
As Lupin and I come to a curve in the trail,
she pulls back on her leash, sits down hard
and refuses to move.  Just beyond, I know
my beloved trillium are sprinkled through
the woods. I want to see and touch them
while they are still here.  Simple flower
of three petals hanging below a whorl
of diamond-shaped leaves.  Although her
eyes don’t show fear, Lupin sits statue-stiff.
I wonder we circle back and come to this path
another way...but she will not budge.  Perhaps
coyotes are close.  I try to reason with her that we
need to see them now because trillium blooms
don’t last long.  She avoids my gaze, reluctantly
stands then slowly walks beside me.  I spot
them exactly where I remembered.  So I flick
her leash gently and she jumps over a fallen log
as I follow.  Bending low, I lift the trillium leaves
to really see the nodding flower, to memorize white.